Special Services
We are happy to host and officiate your wedding at TriCon. Whether you are a parishioner or a visitor, to learn more about having your wedding at TriCon, please call the church office, or click the ‘wedding booklet link’ above.
Our clergy and church building are often available to help with a memorial or funeral service. If your loved one was a parishioner at TriCon, our Memorial Receptions committee would also be available to you, to help facilitate a time of remembrance and fellowship in our parish hall, following the service. They provide punch and coffee and help to tray/serve whatever food you have ordered. Our Sexton is often available as well, for a fee. Please contact the church office, or have your funeral home contact us, to make arrangements.
One of two Sacraments we recognize here at Trinitarian Congregational Church is the Sacrament of Baptism. We offer baptisms throughout the year. They are during a regular worship service, as the congregation enters into a covenant with the person being baptized to journey together in faith. Please call the church office for more information.