Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.

Children + Youth Ministry

The children + youth programs run September - early June.

Children are always welcome at the worship services and we offer supplies for quiet in-pew reading and distraction as well as a small play table in the back of the sanctuary. Nursery care is available throughout the morning for our youngest visitors. Faith formation classes for children Kindergarten through 5th grade happen during the service. Children leave for their classes following the “Word for All Ages.”

For more information on children’s ministry, please reach out to Carrie O’Brien, Director of Children’s Ministry.

For more information on the senior high youth group, please reach out to Rev. Martha Schick.

  • For your young children, we offer nursery care for infants through age 4. The nursery is staffed by adult and teenage volunteers.

  • We welcome kids ages 4 through 4th grade to exit the service following the children’s message for faith + fun!

  • The Seekers welcome kids 6th grade through 8th grade. They meet twice a month on Sunday afternoons to spend time together.

  • Confirmation class is offered every other year for 9th grade and above.

  • Our robust senior high youth group welcomes high schoolers from Concord and surrounding towns to meet twice a week for youth group + discussion group.

  • High-schoolers and TriCon adult leaders enjoy a yearly 'mission trip' either in February or April. These trips are a highlight of our high-school program every year. Performing service and outreach, learning about other communities, often those impoverished, facing food scarcity or lacking safe shelter. The most recent trips have been to the border in Texas working with migrant families; Navajo Nation in Arizona; hurricane relief in Texas and Puerto Rico; and rural poverty in Appalachia in both Kentucky and West Virginia.

    The next Mission Trip will be in February of 2025, going to Savannah, Georgia.