The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

Mission Committee

The mission committee at TriCon Church determines the recipients of monies we’ve set aside each year for our outreach mission budget. The committee meets monthly and works with local, national, and global organizations to determine the best places for our mission dollars. We support many organizations and causes, including those fighting hunger and food insecurity; safety for those experiencing domestic abuse; comfort to our incarcerated neighbors; preschool opportunities for families needing assistance; and many others.

If you wish to learn more about our Mission Committee, please contact Sally Schnitzer, Chair of Mission.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is responsible for managing the financial affairs and reserves of the church, advising our members, ministers, and staff on the proper use of the funds entrusted to us to support our on-going worship, facilities, and outreach. We accomplish this preparing an annual budget with an eye towards long-term fiscal planning, while providing necessary financial input required for addressing unforeseen events in the life of the church. 

If you wish to learn more about our Finance Committee, please contact Susan Bates, Chair of Finance.

Stewardship Committee

The Stewardship Committee is tasked with the humble work of soliciting pledges each year to fund our operating budget and support our mission outreach organizations, and build our endowments. With a yearly drive each Fall, the Stewardship Committee prepares a narrative budget to present to the congregation, along with planned Calls to Stewardship from the pulpit each week. As a congregational church, we fund ourselves, bottom-up and therefore rely on the generosity of spirit and treasure of our parishioners.

If you wish to learn more about the Stewardship Committee, please contact Jake Brown, Chair of Stewardship.

Social Action Committee

As an open + affirming congregation, TriCon takes social action very seriously. The mission of the Social Action committee is to provide opportunities for learning by engaging speakers, providing volunteer opportunities, and offering congregational outreach and donation drives.

If you wish to learn more about the Social Action Committee, please contact Liz Berk.

Fellowship Committee

One of the best things about TriCon is our robust community of worshipers. The Fellowship Committee is in charge of hosting events throughout the year for our community to come together. Typically, Fellowship will host brunches during special coffee hours; fire up outdoor grills for hot dog dinners; and more! If you’re interested in learning more about the work of the fellowship committee, please reach out to Chloe Bruning, Chair of Fellowship.

Adult Education

TriCon’s Adult Christian Education Committee (ACE) plays an important role in the Christian Education of the church by providing opportunities for learning outside of our weekly worship experiences. TriCon’s Small Group series during Advent and Lent are particularly impactful. If you’re interested in learning more about the work of the adult education committee, please reach out to Jean Olsen, contact person for Adult Education.

TriCon wouldn’t be TriCon without it’s members! The Welcoming Committee’s focus is in membership, particularly welcoming those who may be new in our midst. When you walk into a worship service at TriCon, we strive to make sure you don’t leave without someone stopping to say hello to you, introduce themselves, or otherwise make you feel seen and welcomed. The Welcoming Committee arranges membership joining opportunities for those interested in becoming an official member of TriCon; host new member coffees and info sessions; and are available to answer any and all questions about TriCon. If you’re interested in learning more about the work of the membership committee, please reach out to Elaine Ayres, Chair of Welcoming.

Welcoming Committee

Nominating Committee

As a member at TriCon (along with many other advantages) you are offered the opportunity to participate in the life of the church you call home, by serving on a Committee. Whatever your particular interest or skill set, the Nominating Committee works hard every year to pair skills with needs to form a robust slate of volunteers. As a congregational church body, we make use of our many hands, by joining together to keep the church running smoothly and to garner new innovations and ideas. If you are curious and wish to learn more, contact Billie Wyeth, Chair of Nominating.

Music Committee

Music is one of our foundational elements here at TriCon. We have a beautiful organ and a large senior choir who provide joyful music during every service. The music committee plays an integral part in planning the musical parts of our weekly worship services.

If you wish to learn more about our Music Committee, please contact Betsy Swaim, Chair.

The Diaconate

TriCon’s Diaconate provide faith leadership to our church. Deacons are present at worship with our “Deacon of the Day” assignments; serve communion the first Sunday of each month; and most importantly help to keep life humming at TriCon with support to the clergy and staff, other committees, and other events, offering help and volunteers when needed. In direct communication with our Senior Minister on a regular basis, the Diaconate plays an important supporting role in the life of our church.

If you wish to learn more about TriCon Diaconate, please reach out to Mary Hennings, Chair.

Personnel Committee

It is a church staff that provides and supports programs for its parishioners. The Personnel Committee conducts yearly check-ins with each staff member to provide an opportunity for staff to share their joys and concerns related to their work, and to address or recognize the staff’s efforts and offer assistance if needed. Working closely with the Church Administrator and the Finance Commmittee, the Personnel Committee prepares and recommends TriCon’s personnel budget for the year.

If you wish to learn more about Personnel, please contact Beth Vause, Chair.