
Ash Wednesday Worship

Ash Wednesday begins the holy season of Lent, the 40 days leading up to Easter. Christians have observed this season of preparation since the early church of the 4th century. It is a time of renewal and reflection, when Christians recommit to the way of life to which Christ calls us.

Join us for a special meditative service of readings and music on March 5th at 7PM as we explore the meaning of Ash Wednesday together, receive a blessing of ashes, and refocus our hearts on God. 

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Choral Evensong

Choral Evensong

To mark the 250th anniversary of the historic battle on April 19th, Trinity Episcopal Church is hosting a traditional Evensong service, including choirs from First Parish, Holy Family, WCUC, and our own TriCon church.You are invited to hear Matt DiBattista and other members of our choir at this Choral Evensong Concert at Trinity Church, Sunday, March 2nd, 5-6pm.  It is free and open to all.  Come and support our choir and enjoy an evening of beautiful music.

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Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting

Article 1               To receive and act upon reports of the Church officers and committees.


Article 2               To choose all necessary Church officers and committees for the church year 2024.


Article 3               To appropriate money for all Church expenses and to determine the manner of raising same.


Article 4               To receive and act upon the proposed changes to the Church By-Laws as recommended by the Church Council.


Article 5               To transact any other business which may legally come before said meeting.

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Choir Rehearsal

Choir Rehearsal

Interested in signing with the Adult Choir? You are welcome to give us a try anytime!

Choir rehearses most Thursday nights at 7:30 p.m., and again on Sunday mornings before the service. Contact Music Director, Matt DiBattista for more information.

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Newsletter Folding

Newsletter Folding

Join this fun group of volunteers who gather each month to help fold, tape, and prepare for mailing our monthly paper newsletter. We promise refreshments, and usually Judy Walpole tells a joke or two!

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Joint Installation Service

Joint Installation Service

You are invited to attend the Joint Installation Service of Rev. Rebecca Floyd Marshall and Rev. Martha Schick. Rebecca will be officially installed as our Senior Minister, and Martha as our Associate Minister. We will move into the parish hall following worship for a time of refreshment and conversation.

Confirmands, you are especially invited to this service (in lieu of regular class that evening).

If you would like to bring something sweet or savory for the gathering, please follow this link to the sign up.

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Choir Rehearsal

Choir Rehearsal

Interested in signing with the Adult Choir? You are welcome to give us a try anytime!

Choir rehearses most Thursday nights at 7:30 p.m., and again on Sunday mornings before the service. Contact Music Director, Matt DiBattista for more information.

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Women of Spirit

Women of Spirit

A group for the women of TriCon. Meeting every other Wednesday morning for a time of quiet reflection, guided mediation, and group prayer. Contact Cheryl Shea for more information.

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MLK Day - Office CLOSED

MLK Day - Office CLOSED

In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, our church office will be closed.

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: Only love can do that. He who hates does not know God, but he who loves has the key that unlocks the door to the meaning of ultimate reality". - MLK

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Choir Rehearsal

Choir Rehearsal

Interested in signing with the Adult Choir? You are welcome to give us a try anytime!

Choir rehearses most Thursday nights at 7:30 p.m., and again on Sunday mornings before the service. Contact Music Director, Matt DiBattista for more information.

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Welcoming Committee meeting

Welcoming Committee meeting

Led by chair Elaine Ayres, this committee strives to live out our open and affirming purpose statement, and to seek out new visitors on Sundays with a welcoming smile. Instrumental in helping new members through the joining process as well as navigating our online photo directory.

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Join us Sunday mornings for worship beginning at 10:00 a.m. Plan to stay for coffee, refreshments, and conversation after the service.

This Sunday, we welcome Guest Preacher, Rev. Dave Hulse, currently the director at the Friends of Boston Seafarers.

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Choir Rehearsal

Choir Rehearsal

Interested in signing with the Adult Choir? You are welcome to give us a try anytime!

Choir rehearses most Thursday nights at 7:30 p.m., and again on Sunday mornings before the service. Contact Music Director, Matt DiBattista for more information.

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Women of Spirit

Women of Spirit

A group for the women of TriCon. Meeting every other Wednesday morning for a time of quiet reflection, guided mediation, and group prayer. Contact Cheryl Shea for more information.

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