Upcoming events

  • Joint Service with West Concord Union Church

    Sunday, July 28th

    at 9:45 A.M.

    at their church on the corner of Main St and Pine St.

    Rev. Hannah Brown, preaching

  • Backpack Drive for Lowell, MA students

    We are collecting NEW backpacks and school supplies for students from pre-school through high-school living unhoused in Lowell. Drop off backpacks and/or supplies to the bins outside Walden St. or in the parish hall by August 15th.

  • Social Action Book Read

    We are reading together Javier Zamora’s Solito, A Memoir, a retelling of his harrowing journey as a young boy traveling alone from El Salvador to the United States. Join others on August 21st at 7pm, on Zoom, for discussion.