For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.

Psalms Event 3/16

March 16:"Psalm" Great Conversations!

Please join our ministers and the Adult Christian Education team for a post-church discussion workshop about Psalms and ways they are used to help us express joy and gratitude, to grieve and lament, and to face every challenge in our lives as Christians in a broken world. 

 We will begin at 11:15, break into small groups for about 45 minutes, and come back together to share a meal of hearty soup and bread, as well as any psalms our groups create.  Please sign up, all are welcome.

St. Patrick’s Lunch

Join us for St. Patrick’s Lunch hosted by Judy and Amy on Tuesday March 18th. We are offering an Irish-themed lunch, games, and a St. Paddy’s favorite featuring some local talent.

Please RSVP here if you’d like to come so we know how much Colcannon to make!


We need four ushers every week and this is a fun and easy way to help out at church. You can sign up by yourself, with a friend or spouse, or even the whole family (kids welcome!). You will greet parishioners, hand out bulletins, assist with the offering, and answer questions if people are in need of assistance. We will always pair you with an experienced usher. Please click the link to find a Sunday that might work for you — thank you!

Confirmation Mentors

If you are a MENTOR for this year’s Confirmation class, you have been asked to sign up for a few evenings when you are available to participate in the class. Can’t remember which Sunday you signed up for? Click here.

Confirmation Dinners

If you a PARENT to a Confirmand and you need to see which week you signed up to bring a dinner, please click HERE.

Thank you parents for providing these meals, they are so integral to the class experience. We appreciate your efforts very much.