• PLEDGE for 2025

    If you are here to make a PLEDGE for 2025, click HERE for direct link to online form. To set up payment for your pledge online, click below under ‘Electronically.”

  • Cash or Check

    Make your check payable to “TriCon Church” You can contribute during the Sunday offering or mail it to the church:

    TriCon Church 54 Walden Street Concord, MA 01742

  • Electronically

    Online giving is encouraged. You may give online here or through the Vanco app. While we do incur a small fee, you may offset this fee by checking the box when you donate.

    ACH giving incurs a flat 25 cent fee per donation. Credit card donations incur a 2.15% + 30 cent fee per donation.

  • Recurring Giving

    You can set up recurring payment with your bank or other electronic bill payer service. There is no charge to you or TriCon for this service. You may use the following information to create an account with your bank:

    Biller Name: Trinitarian Congregational Church

    Biller Address: 54 Walden Street Concord, MA 01742

    Phone: 978-369-4837

  • Stock Donations

    Gifts of stock and mutual funds will allow the church to benefit from their full market value while enabling you to save on capital gains tax. For instructons on gifts of securities, please call Judy or Amy in the church office.

  • Planned Giving

    You may designate the church as a beneficiary in your estate plan.

    You may also designate your minimum required distribution from your retirement account to support TriCon.