You are invited to wear GARDEN CLOTHING, CASUAL OUTFITS, OVERALLS, JEANS, WELLIES, and CARHARTT VESTS to church on October 20th because we are PLANTING BULBS together after worship to kick off the Stewardship Campaign, Seeds of Abundance.
The Fellowship Committee will treat us to a cook-out with burgers and hotdogs and other fixings for our efforts. (You earn your lunch even if you can’t kneel down to plant!)
We are providing the bulbs and the instructions. It is our hope that when the tulip and daffodil bulbs bloom next spring, we will all be reminded of our many, bountiful blessings that we foster, nurture, and grow in this community of faith.
Mark your calendars now, we hope to have a great turn out! Kids more than welcome to participate in the planting.