Current Happenings

  • Joint Installation

    Sunday, January 26th, at 3:00 p.m. we will hold a joint Installation of the Rev. Rebecca Floyd Marshall, Senior Minister, and Rev. Martha Schick, Associate Minister. If you’d like to contribute a food item to share, please click the sign up link below. All are welcome to attend this special service!

  • Usher on Sundays

    We need four people to usher each week during our worship service. This is a fun way to greet fellow parishioners and to contribute to the life of our church. You can usher by yourself, or with your spouse, friend, or children. We’ll give you instructions — mostly we rely on your hearty welcome!

  • Youth Mission Trip

    53 TriCon high-schoolers and adult leaders are working in the Savannah, Georgia area for a week this February. The Mission Trip is a yearly highlight for our youth program. Please join us on March 2nd for a special Mission Trip Worship and Brunch. Donations to the trip are gratefully received!